Project Train Ten Thousand Artisans (PTTA) is one of the brainchild innovations of Inter-Bau Foundation, which was established to provide practical training for females and youths in construction artisanship, with the aim of economically empowering the beneficiaries and increasing female participation in the industry.
The PTTA Graduation and Mentoring Session held on Friday 24 September 2021 at Inter-Bau Foundation’s Office, 12b Lugard Avenue, Ikoyi, Lagos State. The program had representatives of notable organizations, secondary school students and the graduating artisans present.
The objectives of the mentoring session are as follows:
- To encourage women and girls to get involved in the construction industry as it is not gender specific.
- To create a platform for trainees to connect with women who are thriving in the construction industry.
- To facilitate an inter-personal relationship between mentors and mentees.